• (MY) +603 7880 3119 / (MRU) +230 465-0048
  • PLCSecretariat@teamsynthesis.com

As ONE Humanity, we will recover – TOGETHER – from the Covid-19 and other ensuing pandemics.  The way we WORK, PLAY and LIVE is already disruptively changed. A new brave world – with new business models and rules – will emerge.  This necessitates Leaders 4.0 Infinite Mindset, a heart-centric rebalanced approach – a Humanity 0.0 way forward.

Afterall, we are the waves from the same sea, the leaves of the same tree, and the flowers from the same garden!  

It's not about Leadership,
It's about making Leadership happen.

#Humanity 0.0, #HumanityFirst, #WeAreOne, #Leaders4.0, #Humility, #Willpower, #BeOneWithNature, #Reset, #Reboot, #RePurpose, #ReCommit, #RightTrumpsCorrect


With the exponential changes brought about in exponential times by the 4th Industrial Revolution, it is really going to be survival for the fittest, those who have a plan/blueprint and strategically know how to disintermediate and deliver business values in Industry 4.0 era

TAN Chee Peng

Group CEO, Business Technovise International & Team SYNthesis (Mauritius & Africa)

3 - 7 August 2020

23 October 2020